Frequent questions
Is afreecaTV free?
Yes, afreecaTV is totally free. As with other similar streaming platforms, you can spend money within the app, but you don't have to pay to enjoy any of its streams.
Is eSports the only thing available on afreecaTV?
No, afreecaTV offers more than just eSports-related content. In addition to eSports, you can find videos and live broadcasts related to all kinds of topics.
How much space does the afreecaTV APK take up?
The afreecaTV APK takes up between 80 MB and 100 MB depending on the version. Once installed, the app takes up a bit more, reaching up to 200 MB. What's more, as you play videos and streams, its size will increase.
Is afreecaTV safe?
Yes, afreecaTV is totally safe. The APK shows no positives on VirusTotal, and the service has a good record with no known security breaches. It's true that it requests a lot of permissions, but that's because it needs to use your camera and microphone.
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